Zorayna Incident
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:03 pm
September 3, 2158-13:45 hrs
Starship Neptune
Somewhere near Romulan space
Three starships dropped out of high warp, each coming from a different direction but all on the same mission. Their mission, one of great importance to the war effort, was to receive a shipment of atomic weapons for use against the growing Romulan threat. It was estimated if the war dragged on for much longer, Earth’s supply of atomic weapons would be depleted and more weapons would have to be created; ironic, the weapon that almost destroyed humanity was now being used in an attempt to preserve humanity.
When the two freighters failed to show up at the prearranged time those awaiting the shipment began to get worried. Seventeen minutes later, Lt. Commander Dieter Salazar spoke up.
“Sir I’m detecting four ships approaching at low warp! I am unable at this time to determine their identity…”
He let his words trail off, as there was no need to continue, everyone present was thinking the same thing, Romulans!
Rinehart acknowledged the statement and began issuing a series of commands; “Ensign Watson lay in a course for the defense perimeter, maximum warp. Standby to engage on my order. Mr. Salazar sound general quarters, bring all weapon systems online and polarize the hull plating. Inform all engineering and medical teams to prepare for action. Lt. Watson, inform the Sahara and Mississippi that we are to avoid a confrontation if all possible. As the crew scrambled to comply with the orders, Rinehart glanced at the ship’s dedication plaque focusing on the motto; ‘Perditam Selinuntem Liberare- Ready for Difficult Missions.’ If the warp signatures were Romulan, then it would most likely be the most difficult mission the crew had faced so far. Rinehart turned to face Salazar “Dieter, how soon until they’re within visual range?”
“Approximately four minutes sir, providing they stay on course. However, the odd thing is they normally approach cloaked. However they’re not approaching from the direction the freighters are supposed to either.”
14:05 hrs
The convoy of four ships that dropped out of warp consisted of the two freighters and two Andorian ships, much to the relief of the three Starfleet vessels. The crews soon got to work transferring the weapons and other supplies. The transfer had just been completed when things took a turn for the worse; a fleet of ten Romulan Warbirds suddenly decloaked and opened fire. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Starfleet and Andorian vessels jumped to warp heading for the defense perimeter. All except that Neptune that is, whose engines took a hit early on, reducing them to impulse speeds only.
14:23 hrs
Starship Neptune
=/\= Bridge to engineering, what’s the status of our engines?! =/\=
Rinehart didn’t recognize the voice of the person who replied.
=/\= The Romulans did a number on our warp drive sir, we should be able to give you warp two but it will take at least twelve minutes to do so. Impulse engines are also damaged; I wouldn’t recommend exceeding ½ impulse. =/\=
While this exchange was going on, Salazar had been checking his sensors.
“Sir, we can reach an M class planet in about five minutes at present speed, coordinates 351 mark 8. Maybe we can use it to hide from the Romulans until we can get warp drive back online.”
Rinehart nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. Helm set a course for the planet, best possible speed!”
As the Neptune limped towards the planet, sensors picked up two Romulan vessels chasing them at impulse speeds leaving Rinehart with a crucial decision.
“Mr. Salazar, I think these Romulans have forgotten the power of the atom. Fire on the lead vessel, maybe we can get them to back off.”
“With pleasure sir!” came the reply from the security chief. His shots were on target but unfortunately it did little damage, causing the Romulans to return fire, causing further damage to the already crippled starship. The Neptune fired again scoring a lucky hit, damaging weapons on the first vessel. As they prepared for another volley, both Romulan vessels recloaked. Once the engines were repaired enough for low warp, the Neptune emerged from their refuge behind the planet, but not before launching a log buoy into the planet’s atmosphere incase their plan failed. As they did, the strategy of the Romulans became clear as the two vessels dropped cloak to transfer power to the weapon systems.
Commander Rinehart weighed his options, before making his decision.
“Mr. Salazar, try to time your shots to match the Romulans. Ensign Watson as soon as the weapons are away, engage the engines, warp factor two, and set a course for the defense perimeter. We’ve only got one chance at this so let’s do it right.”
The plan was carried out almost flawlessly, all three ships fired within seconds of each other and the Neptune headed towards the defense perimeter. However between the jury-rigged engines and the intense weapons fire, the Neptune and the two Romulan vessels were never heard from again.
Starship Neptune
Somewhere near Romulan space
Three starships dropped out of high warp, each coming from a different direction but all on the same mission. Their mission, one of great importance to the war effort, was to receive a shipment of atomic weapons for use against the growing Romulan threat. It was estimated if the war dragged on for much longer, Earth’s supply of atomic weapons would be depleted and more weapons would have to be created; ironic, the weapon that almost destroyed humanity was now being used in an attempt to preserve humanity.
When the two freighters failed to show up at the prearranged time those awaiting the shipment began to get worried. Seventeen minutes later, Lt. Commander Dieter Salazar spoke up.
“Sir I’m detecting four ships approaching at low warp! I am unable at this time to determine their identity…”
He let his words trail off, as there was no need to continue, everyone present was thinking the same thing, Romulans!
Rinehart acknowledged the statement and began issuing a series of commands; “Ensign Watson lay in a course for the defense perimeter, maximum warp. Standby to engage on my order. Mr. Salazar sound general quarters, bring all weapon systems online and polarize the hull plating. Inform all engineering and medical teams to prepare for action. Lt. Watson, inform the Sahara and Mississippi that we are to avoid a confrontation if all possible. As the crew scrambled to comply with the orders, Rinehart glanced at the ship’s dedication plaque focusing on the motto; ‘Perditam Selinuntem Liberare- Ready for Difficult Missions.’ If the warp signatures were Romulan, then it would most likely be the most difficult mission the crew had faced so far. Rinehart turned to face Salazar “Dieter, how soon until they’re within visual range?”
“Approximately four minutes sir, providing they stay on course. However, the odd thing is they normally approach cloaked. However they’re not approaching from the direction the freighters are supposed to either.”
14:05 hrs
The convoy of four ships that dropped out of warp consisted of the two freighters and two Andorian ships, much to the relief of the three Starfleet vessels. The crews soon got to work transferring the weapons and other supplies. The transfer had just been completed when things took a turn for the worse; a fleet of ten Romulan Warbirds suddenly decloaked and opened fire. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Starfleet and Andorian vessels jumped to warp heading for the defense perimeter. All except that Neptune that is, whose engines took a hit early on, reducing them to impulse speeds only.
14:23 hrs
Starship Neptune
=/\= Bridge to engineering, what’s the status of our engines?! =/\=
Rinehart didn’t recognize the voice of the person who replied.
=/\= The Romulans did a number on our warp drive sir, we should be able to give you warp two but it will take at least twelve minutes to do so. Impulse engines are also damaged; I wouldn’t recommend exceeding ½ impulse. =/\=
While this exchange was going on, Salazar had been checking his sensors.
“Sir, we can reach an M class planet in about five minutes at present speed, coordinates 351 mark 8. Maybe we can use it to hide from the Romulans until we can get warp drive back online.”
Rinehart nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. Helm set a course for the planet, best possible speed!”
As the Neptune limped towards the planet, sensors picked up two Romulan vessels chasing them at impulse speeds leaving Rinehart with a crucial decision.
“Mr. Salazar, I think these Romulans have forgotten the power of the atom. Fire on the lead vessel, maybe we can get them to back off.”
“With pleasure sir!” came the reply from the security chief. His shots were on target but unfortunately it did little damage, causing the Romulans to return fire, causing further damage to the already crippled starship. The Neptune fired again scoring a lucky hit, damaging weapons on the first vessel. As they prepared for another volley, both Romulan vessels recloaked. Once the engines were repaired enough for low warp, the Neptune emerged from their refuge behind the planet, but not before launching a log buoy into the planet’s atmosphere incase their plan failed. As they did, the strategy of the Romulans became clear as the two vessels dropped cloak to transfer power to the weapon systems.
Commander Rinehart weighed his options, before making his decision.
“Mr. Salazar, try to time your shots to match the Romulans. Ensign Watson as soon as the weapons are away, engage the engines, warp factor two, and set a course for the defense perimeter. We’ve only got one chance at this so let’s do it right.”
The plan was carried out almost flawlessly, all three ships fired within seconds of each other and the Neptune headed towards the defense perimeter. However between the jury-rigged engines and the intense weapons fire, the Neptune and the two Romulan vessels were never heard from again.