Celtronian Information

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Celtronian Information

Post by Kersare »

Here's some basic info on the Celtronians...sort of a loose guide, if you will. If you have any questions about it, or any suggestions, let me know! I believe we may continue to use this race in future missions or shoreleaves, so we can work on developing it. Smile


Appearance: Celtronians have a medium skin tone and black hair. Males have a dark line going down the left side of their face; females have a dark line going across their forehead.

Clothing: They wear loose fitting silk, with a copper belt around the waist.

Climate: The southern hemisphere has snow 8 months out of the year; northern hemisphere never has snow, moderate climate.

Terrain: The southern hemisphere is rocky and has forests; northern hemisphere has fields/plains and forests. Also, many rivers and lakes are present in the northern hemisphere, although with one major ocean and two major seas.

Religion: All Celtronians believe in a single goddess, Kalia, who watches over them and helps guide their lives. They believe in doing what's best for others, and view selfish acts as dishonorable. The most devout Celtronians will pray to Kalia four times a day, although twice a day is standard practice. Special candles and incense are used while praying, and the follower is to be facing the West, kneeling. They believe everything has a purpose, no matter if it is good or bad. As a Celtronian enters his or her fourteenth year, they mediate for seven days, then speak with a High Priest or Priestess and find out what they should specialize in. Afterwards, they recieve training in this specialty.

Culture: Men and women have equal standing in the Celtronian culture. Once married, the couple choses a new surname for themselves, then take their former surname as a middle name of sorts. Also, the wife will wear a thin copper bracelet on her left hand, the husband on the right. Children are considered very special and a normal Celtronian family consists of three children.

Resources: Copper is a major resource found on Celtron V, as are oil, clay, silver, and numerous minerals and gemstones.

Wildlife: Many birds and fish of various sizes, small to medium-large mammals, some insects. Most are comparable to the types found on Earth, although they aren't quite the same, and some unique varities are found on Celtron V.

Government: Celtronians are ruled by a High Council, consisting of seven members. They are elected every 5 years by the Celtronian people. Each Council member has 2 advisors. A High Priest or Priestess is also consulted before decisions are made. Any decision by the High Council must pass with a majority vote.

Economics: Money does not exist on Celtron, everything is done through trade. Everyone concentrates on the specialty shown to them by Kalia, allowing them to use their skills to their maximum potential. If a person or family is in need, other families will help them.

Dwellings: Those that live in the Southern Hemisphere have massive caves tunnelled out, and reside in those. Those that live in the Northern Hemisphere live in houses made of dried clay blocks or stone blocks, for the most part, although some deviate from this. Many structures are two level, but not all.

Food: Celtronians are omnivores. The one thing that they do not tolerate, however, is being wasteful. They will always take smaller portions, then go back for more instead of taking large portions first. Also, when hunting, they use as much of the animal as possible so as not to waste it, thanking Kalia for sacrificing the animal for their benefit.

So'Kra - The So'Kra are the more traditional of the two factions. They believe in leaving well enough alone and would rather not explore further, content to stay where they are. They are the more conservative and peaceful of the two factions, although they will fight if necessary, especially in defense.

To'Ma - The To'Ma are interested in change and are more liberal. They feel it would be best to make contact with other people and start a trade route. They are more curious, but are also more aggressive; they have no problem with starting a fight to achieve their goals.

Scientific: Not much is currently known by the Federation about any spacial anomalies, etc. around Celtron V. It is known that a wormhole is close to the planet although little is known about it due to the So'Kra's insistance on leaving it as it is.

Technology: The Celtronians are not very technologically advanced as compared to other cultures. They have discovered how warp engines work, and have some technology that resembles early Federation technology, however.

Ships: Most Celtronian ships do have warp capability but are generally somewhat small. Some ships are built larger, but do not have warp capability. Both the So'Kra and To'Ma have both kinds of ships, and also have a very limited amount of more advanced ships, as the result of trade. It is currently unknown as to who they have traded with to obtain these advanced ships, or what class/race they originally came from.
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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