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Doctor Setak

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:44 pm
by Setak
<Another Voyage Home>

<Sickbay, USS Malinche, Day 1 - 13:15>

Lieutenant... Provisional, Setak - Chief Medical Officer USS Malinche.

Provisional, ergo temporary. After five days aboard this vessel, learning it and it's crew's ways, I am uncertain whether the term is comforting or troubling.

The more familiar I become with these people the more I realize how different from them I must seem, so much so that several of the ships crewmen have expressed concern over having their health in my hands. How can I fault them? The sentiment is not universal however, Doctor Dormand, who seemed distant if not adversarial at first has come to trust me to some extent. Having spent more time with her than any other member of the ships crew I feel that she understands me better on a personal level than anyone else and I have come to understand her. I am more certain than ever that something is troubling her but she has refused to speak of it, often denying that anything is wrong at all. I suppose she thinks that a Vulcan might not be able to recognize the signs of stress, of grief but as others have pointed out; I am no ordinary Vulcan in this place.

Life aboard this vessel is more complex than I could have possibly imagined and yet those who chose to be here seem perfectly content with the intricate systems and protocols that govern every waking moment. They live for it. I feel lost most times, except perhaps here in the Sickbay, surrounded by my computers and things familiar. It is what I know, medicine, perhaps the only thing that I can hold onto here but I have yet to let this uncertainty overwhelm me. I am free here but where the shackles have been removed it sometimes feels as though they have been replaced by another sort of restraint, one that cannot be seen or felt tangibly, instead made of regulations and duty. Its not all bad, it would be dishonest to say that I have not found any happiness here, I only hope that I continue to manage myself with dignity... I am in control but that control has not yet been tested. When that time comes we shall see how temporary this position has really been.

Comfortably troubled... Its only logical.

Re: Doctor Setak

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:42 pm
by Setak
<Shore leave: Answers>


<Runabout Passenger Cabin, USS Xunantunich , Day 1 - 23:31>

Lieutenant Provisional, Setak - Chief Medical Officer USS Malinche.

It's been five hours since we departed from the Malinche and in that time I have received two full lectures on the necessity of suppressing Vulcan emotions.
I've taken three things away from this; 1) Suppressing emotions does not suppress one's capacity for self importance. 2) Ensign Sirak is perhaps one of the loveliest women I have ever known. 3) I'm never going to make it out of this situation alive.

Seven more hours until we reach Vulcan, or so the computer says, what better way to begin a journey of self discovery than with a trial of one's sanity?
Sirak tells me that I should practice meditating before we arrive, that it will help center me before the trials ahead. She's probably right and so I will try.


<Runabout Passenger Cabin, USS Xunantunich , Day 2 - 02:45>

What does "centered" mean anyway?
I do not know what's worse, that I am approaching this situation (which my future hinges upon mind you) with an admittedly lackluster attitude or that while I should be preparing myself
I cant help but to be infatuated with my guide. I will now reiterate point 3 listed above, I will never make it out of this alive. I will continue to meditate, perhaps this elusive "center" will find me?


<Runabout Passenger Cabin, USS Xunantunich , Day 2 - 05:15>

Two hours to Vulcan.
I find myself a little more at ease now, whether that is due to my increasing level of fatigue or a mystical meditative transformation I am uncertain.
Perhaps there is something to this whole meditation thing? Perhaps. Whatever the case, I feel that I am as well prepared for what lay ahead as I can be.

Does Sirak wear perfume or is it natural?
I am in serious trouble here.