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There's a Fungus Among Us

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:25 pm
by Kai
OFF: With apologies to Fringe, Season 4, Episode 3, "Alone in the World."

ON: <USS Pleiades (Nova Class), Ensign Kai’s Quarters, 2382, March 24, 1030>

“I know dad. If it happens again, I’ll see the doctor. Who knows, maybe it’s normal. But don’t you worry about it or me.” Brianna’s eyes were bright as she looked at her mom and dad on the computer screen, even with the topic of conversation. She was thrilled that they had contacted her to wish her a happy birthday. Well, more like thrilled that she actually had the time off to talk to them this year. Last year wasn’t the case.

“I know you will,” said her dad, Marcus (NPC). “I just wish I could be there to help when it happens again.”

“We both do,” added her mom, Courtney (NPC). “It’s not easy knowing and not being able to do anything.”

Brianna nodded and decided to change the subject. They talked about Tiffany and Candace and what they were doing. Marcus told Brianna about the last mission they were on and how she would’ve loved it. While Courtney added that he almost came home severely injured. It was a good time spent talking with her parents.

“Well dear, we’ve talked long enough,” said Courtney “We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and catch up on things.”

“Thanks, both of you,” said Brianna.

“Now, go enjoy some of that shoreleave,” said Marcus. “They don’t come around all that often. And be careful, Bri.”

“Always,” she replied. They said their goodbyes and signed off. Bri sat back on the couch and sighed.

About that time, her blonde haired, green-eyed roommate popped her head out of her room. “How’s the family?” she asked. Erica Taylor (NPC) was a Warrant Officer 3rd Class and the ship’s Environmental Systems Officer.

Bri turned and answered. “They’re fine, Erica. Thanks for asking.” She paused. “You know, one of these days you’re going to have to stay out here and meet them.”

Erica laughed. “Yeah right. I can see that going over like a Targ in a Bajoran house of worship.”

Bri smiled wryly. “Like they can see your personality and tell what kind of person you are over a computer screen.” Bri had roomed with Erica long enough to know that she was a mischievous, playful, party girl with a wild streak a lightyear long.

“Yeah, but you’re dad sounds like the kind of man that would have Starfleet Intelligence make some contacts and find out about me.” She smiled. It really didn’t matter to her if he did find out about her not-so-tame life. Or even, somehow, her tattoos.

“He’s not that bad,” said Brianna. “He’s just a little over-protective. That’s all.” She got up and walked into her room.

Erica stuck her head in. “You ready to head to the planet for some relaxation? And a happy birthday treat from yours truly?”

“Yeah. Only, I doubt you’re going to do much relaxing.” Bri heard Erica laugh as she went back to change clothes.

OFF: To be continued.

Re: There's a Fungus Among Us

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:20 pm
by Kai
<Vraile III, Yeled’s Tank, 2382, March 24, 1130>

Yeled’s Tank was the equivalent of a beachside restaurant and open air Tiki Bar on Earth. It was situated on the boardwalk, just half a klick from the beach. And it was a popular site for everyone. Well, at least for those who enjoyed such an environment. Which most certainly included Erica Taylor and Brianna Kai. Erica liked to flirt and Bri liked the beach. Although flirting was still pretty high on Bri’s list.

The two women sat at the bar, their lightweight beach wraps blowing in the breeze. “So,” said Erica, “is it as bad as you thought it would be?”

Bri laughed, “Being away from the ship…almost. Being here and enjoying a real beach as opposed to a holodeck one…absolutely not.” Bri had spent too many hours in a holodeck beach. The smells, the breezes, the people, it was as real as it could be. But there was just something about a real beach on a real planet that was one-hundred percent better.

Erica gently blew the tiny umbrella to the other side of her glass and took a sip of her drink. “Typical answer.” She smiled at her roommate and friend. Then she looked past Bri, over her shoulder, and nodded. “Looks like the first one is coming down the chute.”

Bri turned and saw a medium-height young man walking toward them. His black hair, toothy grin, and cocky stride betrayed his identity. “Oh that’s not one. That’s just Ensign Hutchison from Flight Control. He doesn’t count.”

An impish grin crawled across Erica’s mouth as she raised an eyebrow. “Maybe not for you.”

“Flirt,” stated Bri.

“And proud of it,” replied Erica. “So, you gonna give me a quick heads up or what?” Erica didn’t mind flying blindly into conversations like this, but a little info always made it more fun for her.

Bri couldn’t believe her roomy was going through with it. Hutch was probably just coming to say hi or something. “Well if you insist. He’s got the typical pilot attitude; cocky, prideful, and such. As a matter of fact, I think he’s shooting for fighter pilot training eventually. As he puts it, flying a starship gives his resume a bit of a boost.”

“Okay, that’s all I need to know,” interrupted Erica. “I think I know how to handle this character.”

Ensign Hutchison walked up behind Brianna. “Hey it’s Bri. I’d recognize those Trill markings anywhere. Well, the ones on that body anyway.”

Brianna nonchalantly answered, “Hey Hutch. How’s it going?” She was kind of brushing him off…as she always did. Bri didn’t care for pilots at all.

“Ah, well, you know.” Then he looked at Erica, who was smiling right at him. “Bri, you haven’t introduced me to your friend yet. Shame on you.”

Bri choked a back a laugh as she knew what Hutch was in for next. “This is Erica Taylor. Erica, this is Michael Hutchison.”


Re: There's a Fungus Among Us

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:16 pm
by Kai
<<There’s a Fungus Among Us>>

<USS Pleiades, Conference Room, 2382, March 24, 1215>

“Well I don’t care what the Governor is saying. Tell him that we’re not pulling our people off the planet. I don’t care if he is evacuating the beach and the area surrounding the sea caves. They’ll just have to go with everyone else for the moment. Starfleet will not be accused or held liable for spiriting away personnel during an internal situation if whatever this is blows up in the Governor’s face. If this ‘situation’ he’s talking about involved any of them, which I am fairly certain it does not, they must be officially ruled out by the Governor. Rook out.” Captain Rook (NPC) had been with this crew for six years now, with the exception of a few junior staffers. He liked to think that he knew them well enough to speak to their character.

A few minutes later, the voice of his Executive Officer, Commander Nikki Beckett (NPC), came over the comm again. “Sir, I told him…and he still insists on seeing you.”

Rook sighed, “Alright then, I’m on my way.” The Captain put aside the novel he had been reading and sat back. So much for enjoying the last two days of shore leave, he thought. Standing, he made his way out of the Conference Room.

No one turned at the familiar sound of the doors opening. Beckett, who had been standing in front the captain’s chair, moved to the right when Rook came over. Captain Rook sat down and crossed his legs. Beckett was somewhat surprised at the Captain’s choice. But she followed suit anyway and sat down.

“Governor Calorma (NPC), I understand that there is a situation down there. However, I will not remove my people until they have been ruled out of your investigation. Although I’m fairly sure that no one under my command is responsible.”

“Captain, do you understand that it could be days before my security people get around to everyone? Including your people?” said an exasperated Governor. “I’m not having Starfleet coming after me and telling me to hurry my people along so they can get their ship to it’s next mission.”

Rook sighed. “We have two days left on our shore leave, Governor. That’s all I can give you…two days. But keep me apprised of how things are going. I don’t intend to leave my crew without a representative should the need arise.”

“Then so be it,” replied Governor Calorma. And the screen went dark.

<Vraile III, Cordoned off area for Starfleet personnel, 2382, March 24, 1225>

“Can you believe they just started herding us like livestock?” said Hutchison. He was unsure of what might happen to them. But then, so was everyone else.

“I’m sure they had a pretty good reason, Hutch,” said Brianna. “Maybe they want to make it easier for the Pleiades to transport us up in an emergency.” She was trying to calm the pilot down.

“Or make it easier to execute us!” he exclaimed.

“Calm down man,” said Bri. “You’re losing it.” She was ready to slap the looney toon back into reality when a man’s voice boomed over the loud communications system that had been hurriedly set-up.

“May I have your attention please. On behalf of Governor Calorma, I apologize for holding you all in this manner. But we are trying to keep all of Starfleet’s personnel separate from everyone else. There has been an incident and we intend to rule you out as quickly as possible so that all of you may return to your ship. The Governor is currently speaking with your Captain regarding the situation. As soon as the rest of your people are accounted for, we will move to you an indoor facility where you will have more room and spaces to rest. This could take some time. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Did you hear that? An incident that they need make sure none of us were a part of. I told you they had a reason, Hutch. Something bad has happened.” Bri was about to continue with her solace when Erica pushed her way through to where they were standing. Bri noticed a look on her face that she didn’t like.

“I just got the latest from one of their men. Someone found the bodies of two young people in one of the sea caves west of the city. They’re holding everybody for the time being. That’s all I could get out of him.” Getting that kind of news was unnerving. The thought of a killer roaming around the beach wasn’t pleasant at all.

Re: There's a Fungus Among Us

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:15 am
by Kai
<USS Pleiades, Bridge, 2382, March 25, 0805>

“Captain,” announced the man at Ops, “incoming message from the Governor.”

Rook nodded and waved his hand in the air, indicating for it go on the viewer. He stood up and walked closer to the screen as Governor Calorma walked into view. “What of my crew, Governor?” He had been ready to transport down there as the advocate for the entire bunch of them if necessary. But his XO had talked him out of it.

“You may begin transport of your crew at your leisure Captain. My men have determined that it was impossible for any of your crew to have been involved.” Those words fell from the Governor’s tongue with ease and relief. He had hoped that the Starfleet men and women had not been involved. The last thing he wanted was an incident with the Federation. After all, their people were the main bringers of income to his resort colony.

“That is good news, indeed, Governor. I trust that you had no problems with anyone?”

“None at all, Captain. The resort colony on Vraille III thanks you for your cooperation.” He paused and realized that it was too long of a one as the Captain was turning his back. “However…” He saw Rook turn around. “There is one other thing Captain.”

He stared at the man. Rook hated it when people asked questions like that and then waited for a verbal response. Couldn’t they tell that they already had his attention? “Well? What is it?”

“We need your assistance, Captain. The situation was the discovery of two bodies in one of the many sea caves west of the resort. We’ve identified them as two young boys who were reported missing twenty-four hours ago.”

Rook was unable to figure anything out from the Governor’s bland statement of the facts. So he asked, “And where do we come in?”

“The bodies were in an advanced stage of decomposition. Captain, we are a resort colony on a resort planet. We don’t have the scientific capability to pursue the investigation any further. We are officially requesting Starfleet’s assistance in this matter.”

The Captain’s interest was more than just piqued now. “I will need to get my crew members back onboard first. Then we’ll go from there.” He knew that cutting their shore leave a day short would not set well with them. It wasn’t setting well with him, for that matter. “That sound okay with you, Governor?”

“Indeed it does, Captain. Thank you for your assistance. I will ensure that the heads of my law enforcement and security forces are prepared for your teams. Good day.”

Beckett said to Rook as he sat down, “Shore leave?”

“I’ll leave that in your capable hands, Commander. Along with making sure that all our crew members are accounted for when the transport is complete. And when you’re finished, let me know; I want to talk to the Senior Staff in the Conference Room.”

Beckett nodded. “Right you are, Sir.” She stood to leave, tapping her commbadge on the way to the turbolift. “Beckett to all transporter rooms. Standby for transport of our personnel from the planet’s surface.” The rest of the conversation was obscured by the closed doors.