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Message from HF R&D

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:54 pm
by Kersare
Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Rear Admiral Lorian Tharos and I was appointed to succeed Vice Admiral Chris Manley as Director of Research & Development for the Eighth "Horizon" Fleet earlier this fall. The Horizon Fleet Community has seen a great deal of change since its founding in February 2007 and I would like to take this opportunity to address the Commanding Officers of our member simulations as well as the general players serving under their command.

The Department of Research & Development is responsible for ensuring consistency of information within the fleet, reviewing technology-related proposals, as well as updating and maintaining the official IFS and Wiki databases. Part of what makes Horizon Fleet a community is how we relate to one another as simulations and as players. By providing resources like schematics, deck listings, and wiki articles, the Department of Research & Development seeks to maintain a common universe in which we can all embark on our respective adventures. Community involvement is a crucial part of what we do which is why I am required to sbumit a report to the Commanding Officers of the fleet regarding the status and progress of the department.

Now I am inviting each of you to take a more active role in helping to build our community. We have recently opened a new area of the Horizon Fleet Forums dedicated specifically to facilitating discussions about specifications, technologies, and alien cultures. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all community members, Commanding Officers and players alike, to participate in ongoing conversations with the Department of Research & Development.

Do you or someone you know have a marine character serving in Horizon Fleet? Tell us about your experience working with marines in the simming world and help us to figure out what role Starfleet marines should continue to play in our simming experiences.

Do you or someone you know have a starfighter pilot serving in Horizon Fleet? Tell us about your experience working with starfighters in the simming world and help us to figure out what role they should continue to play aboard our simulations.

Does your simulation have a cloaking device? We're trying to revive an old conversation thread about cloaking devices aboard Starfleet vessels and what role they should play in the Horizon Fleet Community. Tell us what your thoughts are.

We are a community of Star Trek enthusiasts brought together by our love of Gene Roddenberry's vision and the simming experience. Your voice does matter which is why we want to hear from YOU. Join the conversation today!

Rear Admiral Lorian Tharos
Director of Research & Development
Cultural Archival Society Chair
Eighth "Horizon" Fleet