Shadow Fleet

For those who wish to advertise on the USS Malinche. Must allow an ad for the Malinche on your site as well.

Moderator: Kersare

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Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:57 pm

Shadow Fleet

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Shadow Fleet was established in January of 2007 to bring Star Trek fans together in community discussion as well as canon based, high quality role-playing. Today, we're a growing internet presence and one of the few RPGs that can offer a friendly, welcoming environment and a place for players to indulge their literary talents with the potential of in-character and out-of-character awards!

As of mid-May 2016, we have transitioned to a new team of seasoned & experienced administrators, and the site is better than ever! We are currently recruiting new players. We invite you to take a look around our new and improved site, ask our players questions in the public chat area, and perhaps even consider creating an account on our forum.
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