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Departmental Duties

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:59 am
by Kersare
I thought it might be helpful to specify which departments are responsible for what. I've left out command for the time being as (in my mind) it's a bit more clear without specifying and would have quite a bit in it.

Please reply with any thoughts/comments before I make it official. :)

Note: For some of the duties, I pulled information from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual.

Flight Control
*Piloting and course plotting for the ship
*Piloting shuttles/runabouts
*Managing shuttlebay
*Assist in shuttle/runabout maintenance
*Assist in maintenance of flight systems
*Navigation/astrometrics, stellar cartography in relation to piloting

*Gather and provide information
*Analyze Data, encryption/decryption
*Infiltration/undercover operations

*Communications (mainly internal, sometimes external)
*Schedule and allocate resource/hardware use, prioritize between conflicting requirements
*Maintain inventory, issue/assign equipment & ship resources (rooms, personnel, etc)
*Managing cargo bays
*Maintain/manage computer software; in particular Computer network, software support, and end user support
*Assist Engineering with power allocation

*Ensure crew safety
*Maintain/manage Brig and prisoners
*Maintain armory
*Provide weapons and combat training
*Use of shields and weapons, targeting, tractor beam
*Tactical scanning/sensors
*External communications

*Maintenance of ship systems and equipment (warp core, impulse systems, life support, environmental control, replicators, power, etc)
*Damage control
*Power allocation
*Maintain computer systems, ODN networks
*Assist with shuttle/runabout maintenance

*Operate sensors, scans (non-tactical)
*Provide information regarding life/physical/spatial sciences (biology, geology, astronomy, astrometrics, stellar cartography, etc)
*Provide/analyze information regarding spatial anomalies and particles

*Ensure health of the crew
*Provide check-ups, medical care, surgery as needed
*Perform any medical alterations needed for undercover/away team work
*Can remove crew from duty

*Ensure mental health of the crew
*Provide counseling sessions, therapy
*Ensure/assist with crew morale

Re: Departmental Duties

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:24 am
by Kinkaid
I'm good with that for the most part. The one thing I do have to say is, I picture Operations as being more support than anything else. The skeleton of the ship's crew, if you will. Operations will often assist with repairs in other departments, maintain scheduling, etc. That scheduling plays a crucial roll in power allocation in particular, so I imagine Ops and Engineering work hand-in-hand on that particular topic (and pretty much all others). In the case of Engineering and Operations, they're the difference between active and passive (or perhaps skin and muscle - neither can work properly without the other).

Of all the departments I imagine Operations has least to do with Intelligence and Counseling.

(Those are my thoughts on Operations anyway.)

Re: Departmental Duties

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:38 am
by Kersare
Yeah, I pretty much agree. What I mentioned specifically for Ops (other than computer software) I basically pulled from the tech manual for TNG. I suppose you could look at it as laying out some specific support type tasks that they do?

And I agree that they'd be working with engineering a fair bit, just didn't spell that out specifically.