LOA Policy

Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Friday August 2, 2024 @ 12:37am

Should a player need an LOA, he or she should start a topic in the LOA area of the forum (LOA Forum) as well as e-mail the CO and include the date they'll be going on LOA and the date they'll return. Upon returning, please e-mail the CO to confirm your return.

In order to be exempt from the required amount of posts, proper LOA needs to be requested. If you're having computer problems or another emergency, please notify the CO as soon as possible (preferably before the end of the month). If you're having computer problems, please try to at least get an e-mail to the CO (via a friend's computer, a library computer, etc).

-LOA status Player will be unable to post at all in a period of at least 1 week, but under 2 weeks - exempt from one post (should still have 3 posts for the month) unless extension is requested

-ELOA status Player will be unable to post at all in a period of 2 weeks or more - exempt from posting until date of expected return unless extension is requested