Current Political Climate
Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Friday August 2, 2024 @ 1:12am
-Members of the Federation (Joined: 2376- the year after the war ended)
-Bajor wasn’t harmed during the Dominion war, instead the war actually gave them a period of stability that was needed for them to figure their own stuff out.
-Our thought is that they play a huge role in helping the Cardassians rebuild (and take on a non militaristic Government) after the war.
-As per Voyager “Endgame” they are all but dead. Could be some rogues out there but if the Collective still lives it will be a long, long time before they recover
-Could be Borg tech just drifting around in space in the Delta quadrant
-Still very elusive but have retreated into their own space following the Dominion War. Could be expanding toward the core of the Galaxy but little interaction with other Alpha quadrant races.
-There is however a book series that suggests they allied with the Cardassians, Romulans and others to form the “Typhon pact” against the Federation. I personally don’t think that’s super plausible.
-Their world was devastated after the war and without outside help probably would take/ have taken a century to rebuild. General consensus is that martial law was disbanded in favor of a civilian government and Federation ambassadors helped them craft a new constitution.
-Immediately after the war Cardassian space was occupied by the Federation and Klingons while the civilian government established itself.
-I like the idea that the Bajorans, being the kind spiritual people that they are, stepped up to help Cardassia rebuild. They had experience forming a new government after the Cardassian occupation and really could have taught the Cardassians a lot.
-At the end of DS9 Major Kira really sees the true nobility that Cardassians are capable of when Damar leads a rebellion against Dukat and the Dominion. She would have advocated for Bajorans putting aside their hatred to help their closest neighbors and heal old wounds.
-Odo returned to the great link and showed the founders that not all solids are bad. I believe he is still in the great link helping the founders understand another way of being.
-The Dominion signed a treaty saying they should stay out of the Alpha quadrant and so far as I know they have abided by it.
-Limited Federation travel (exploration and trade) is allowed into the Gamma quadrant but as part of the treaty Starfleet isn’t supposed to send military vessels through.
-Same old Ferengi for the most part.
-Rom becomes Grand Nagus and introduces sweeping reforms like: Allowing Females to wear clothes, allowing workers to form unions to protect their rights, loaning large amounts of latinum to worlds recovering from the war (like Cardassia) and not charging huge interest rates on repayment
-They are still scandalous but actually kinda, sorta helpful, sorta
-Not a lot to say. They have been very reclusive through all the shows. They may have provided materials and weapons during the war against the Dominion but never got involved.
-Martok is Chancellor of the High Council at least until the 2380s, Worf becomes the Federation Ambassador to Qo'nos. Together they conduct major reforms to the empire- forcing the Great Houses to contribute money, ships and warriors to a unified Fleet under the control of the Klingon High Command. Previously each House operated their own fleet independently- hence all the civil wars and such.
-Minor houses have a greater seat at the political table
-Slowly the Klingon culture is veering away from mindless killing and war to more of a “Noble Warrior” type culture. The skill of battle and war is more important than killing and conquering.
-Klingons are the Federations closest and most powerful ally though they are slowly rebuilding their fleet after the war
-Not much to say here. They are neutral in all things, still fairly criminal
-I think more and more Orions are becoming Federation citizens if they can escape the Syndicates iron grip
-They are powerful financially but not militarily.
-This one is super tricky
-On the one hand, they became good allies with the Federation during the war but there have always been elements within the Romulan government that will never accept outsiders as true friends
-In 2379 the “Shinzon Incident” happens. The whole senate is killed and Shinzon becomes an Emperor answerable to nobody. The USS Enterprise, with the aid of a few Romulan Commanders against Shinzon, kill the baddie and kind of restore order.
-We think that the progressive Romulans began calling for a new order, a dissolution of the Empire in favor of a Republic in 2380. This turned into a civil war by 2382. The Republic (rebellion) forces made a capital world on the Romulan colony Achenar Prime. Through the 80’s until 2388 the Republic tried to defeat the Empire and Tal’Shiar but were losing pretty bad. Then the Hobus disaster happened. The empire was virtually wiped out and by default the republic won the war. They would still be rebuilding and unstable as they try to find out if they can really be more than conquerors.
-Conversely, in that one book series, the Romulans joined the “Typhon Pact” against the Federation. we don't think this is likely.
-If you don’t like the idea of a Romulan Republic in the 2390s, the most likely alternative is that they simply went back into isolation after the war and there is a cold war going on where the Federation doesn’t know what's really happening in Romulan space.
-Not much to say
-They are not bad guys but pretty fiercely independent. They mostly just want to be left alone to do their own thing.
-Too much to say
-We feel that the Tholians are actually a very, very old race with technology far more advanced than it seems. They are so old and just plain different that they largely just ignore the other “younger” races.
-They do have a tendency to step in if a race out there is using tech from the future that they shouldn’t have. I kinda think they are actually far more aware of everything happening around them than they let on.
-As for the Dominion war- they signed a nonaggression pact with the Dominion during the war. Our thought is that they could have wiped the Dominion out but they have their own sort of prime directive where they can’t interfere with the affairs of younger races. It doesn’t matter to them who controls the Alpha Quadrant so long as the controllers keep their distance.
-Pompous, ego-trippers. They think they are something special and fancy themselves to be an empire but they are like 150+ years behind everyone else in technology. Kind of like North Korea in the real world.
-The poke the Federation and try to start stuff but I don't think anyone really takes them seriously.
-Their space borders Breen space and it could be both parties trade. The Breen probably laugh at them too though
Overall Note:
Doug and Clay (former crewmembers, along with Capt Kersare) tried to craft a future that follows a logical progression from the Canon we know happened. We personally think that the Federation, Klingons and Romulan Republic are allied in the “Minshara Accords”. They will all fight for each other and now have open borders.
We think it follows better with Gene Roddenberry's vision than other fleets who just keep having war after war.
The truth is, everyone knows that the Federation is unstoppable at this point. They have good ideas and are good people. It’s hard to fight against that. So, logically speaking, all the local races either put up with the Federation or have allied with it.
If there is another threat out there, it’s “out there” somewhere a ways off.
That’s not to say that there isn’t internal political and territorial stuff happening but nothing that would start a war.
Categories: Current Political Environment