Mirror Universe Timeline
Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Monday August 5, 2024 @ 5:24pm
2154 - Empress Hoshi Sato, in a bid to secure her power base and claim to the throne, marries General Shran of the Andorian Imperial Guard. This makes all Andorians full citizens of the Empire, a status previously reserved for Terrans only. After Shran betrays her and tries to rule the Empire himself in her name, Empress Sato strikes a deal with the Vulcans making all Vulcans full citizens of the Empire as well. Without Vulcan support organized rebellion against the Terran Empire quickly dies out, though small pockets of resistance will continue to exist well into the next century.
2253 - Captain Christopher Pike is captured by the Talosians, who agree to release him if he will be their spy within the Empire. Pike agrees and together with the Talosians comes up with a reason for the Empire to prohibit travel to Talos IV.
2264 - Lt Commander James T. Kirk obtains the Tantalus Field from Dr Simon van Gelder at the Tantalus Penal Colony and assassinates Captain Pike to take command of the ISS Enterprise. His first act is to order the extermination of the Talosians.
2267 - After encountering the prime counterparts of Kirk, McCoy, Scott, & Uhura, Spock assassinates Kirk and assumes command of the ISS Enterprise. He confides his plan to reform the empire in Sarek and advocates convincing Coridan to join the Empire willingly, rather than conquering it.
2268 - Spock negotiates a treaty between the Elasians and Troyians (who the Empire had instigated a war between) and secures exclusive mining rights for their rich dilithium deposits for himself. Spock then uses the Tantalus Field to capture a Klingon battle cruiser without firing a shot, leading to rumors that he has ancient Vulcan psionic powers.
2269 - Empress Hoshi Sato III promotes Spock to Admiral in an attempt to secure his loyalty. The ISS Enterprise enters drydock for an extensive refit. Commander Willard Decker is assigned to supervise the refit process.
2271 - Admiral Spock reassumes command of the ISS Enterprise and bans the use of Agonizers aboard all ships under his command.
2275 - Admiral Spock’s “unorthodox” policies and ideals begin to spread their way throughout the Empire with the help of rumor and Vulcan agents using mind-melds and old-fashioned books.
2277 - Admiral Spock is summoned to a fake Admiralty conference on Deneva in an attempt at assassination. Upon learning that Spock had anticipated the deception, Commander Decker pulls a phaser and attempts to kill Spock. He is killed by Spock’s bodyguards, Saavik & Xon. Decker’s father, Grand Admiral Matthew Decker, is ordered to kill Spock by the Empress. He orders all ships in the fleet not known to be loyal to Spock to assemble in the Terra Nova system to destroy the Enterprise.
The Enterprise intercepts the coded message and proceeds to the Terra Nova system. The ship enters the system with shields down and weapons offline. Spock beams to the ISS Constellation to offer his surrender to Decker in person. Once he is aboard the crew mutinies against Decker. In short order crews across the fleet mutiny, leaving Spock with the loyalty of over 60% of the fleet. Spock assumes the rank of Grand Admiral.
The Empress orders Spock to appear at the palace for his official promotion ceremony. Spock entrusts the secret of the Tantalus field to Saavik and goes to the palace. Once there the Empress demands that Spock swear loyalty to her. Spock instead swears loyalty to the Empire, which the Empress uses as an excuse to order Spock’s death. Before any of the guards can act, however, Saavik activates the Tantalus device and the Empress and her guards are vaporizes in the blink of an eye. Spock assumes the title of Emperor of the Terran Empire.
Spock begins implementing his plan, starting by instituting a Common Forum and Senate, increasing the authority of planetary governors, and offering planets the chance to join the Empire voluntarily instead of expanding by conquest.
2284 - Spock delivers a proclamation of inalienable rights, which pleases the general population but angers the politicians. Spock recruits Carol Marcus into his plan by having her use the Genesis Project to create a series of under-ground safe-houses for small groups to maintain the collected knowledge and technology of the Empire so that it can be available to future generations after the Empire falls and is eventually replaced by a galactic republic. This project is named “Memory Omega.”
2286 - The revolution is spreading among Vulcans by way of covert mind-melds spreading Spock’s vision of a peaceful society where all races coexist and cooperate for mutual benefit.
2287 - Captain Saavik of the Enterprise discovers the existence of the Trill Symbionts. While investigating the symbionts further, she discovers that the oldest symbionts, the ones responsible for birthing new symbionts, have been infected by a parasitic, malevolent, mutated form of the species and that all symbionts born since are now bent on galactic domination. She destroys the symbionts’ pools and all the symbionts in them. Emperor Spock then issued an order for all joined Trill to be eliminated, with the exception of Curzon Dax.
2288 - Councilor Gorkon assassinates Regent Sturka to seize control of the Klingon Empire. He orders production of energy by the Praxis moon increased. On Romulus, Praetor Vrax begins formulating plans to attack the Terran Empire. Starfleet Admirals Cartwright, Bennett, Morrow, & zh’Ferro along with Colonel West and General Quiniven begin planning assassinations of Spock, Empress Marlena Moreau, the Senate, and the Forum so that they can re-establish the military-backed dictatorship of the Empire. Meanwhile, Spock’s reforms have led to reduced budgets for the Empire’s military forces.
2289 - The Terran Empire breaks off diplomatic talks with the Klingon Empire over possession of Korvat. Meanwhile the Klingon Empire is nearing completion of the first prototypes of a Bird-of-Prey that can fire while cloaked.
2291 - Spock sends Curzon Dax, along with several dozen Trill couples, into seclusion at one of the Memory Omega sites to preserve the knowledge of the Trill Symbionts for future generations.
2293 - Praxis explodes, throwing the Klingon Empire into chaos. At the resulting Khitomer Conference representatives of the Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire, and Cardassian Union each separately propose an alliance to Spock. All are rejected.
Spock informs Carol Marcus that the plans for the completion of Memory Omega must be accelerated and tells Saavik to resign from Starfleet and return to Vulcan because the end of his plan is drawing near. Saavik agrees, but before submitting her resignation she kills Valeris, thus preventing the conspirators’ plan from coming to fruition.
Spock issues a proclamation renouncing war and tyranny, abolishing the planetary governors and replacing them with elected presidents, and submitting a draft charter of the Terran Republic to the legislature for review and ratification. The Empire is officially dissolved and Spock is now the first Consul of the Terran Republic, an office with a four year renewable term elected by the legislature.
Spock vaporizes the Tantalus Field device immediately after his proclamation.
2295 - The Terran Republic falls to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Alliance troops conquer Earth and Vulcan and Spock, Marlena Moreau, and Sarek are all executed. Spock’s final words are a warning to the leadership of the Alliance: “With the fall of my civilization begins the end of your own. Freedom will overcome. Tyranny cannot prevail.”
Terrans and Vulcans are shipped across the Alliance and to some Romulan worlds as slaved. Unknown to their new masters, many of the Vulcan slaves are sleeper agents for the new Resistance movement.
2340s - Two species of shapeshifters, the Iyaarians and the Daleds begin covert efforts to destabilize the Alliance as a pre-emptive defensive measure.
2371 - Jean-Luc Picard, a trusted human employed by Gul Madred, is convinced by Vash to smuggle Noonien Soong to a planet rumored to be home to a combined organic-machine intelligence. This world turns out to be the fabled Iconia. During there, Picard & company encounter a Borg cube. Picard manages to capture and use an Iconian probe to disable the cube after it has devastated an Alliance fleet sent to intercept the it.
2372 - Kes and Neelix are thrown into the Alpha Quadrant by the Caretaker. Tuvok, a member of the Memory Omega project, rescues Kes and Neelix from B’Elanna Torres and takes Kes to one of the Memory Omega locations. Neelix joins the Rebellion as a member of Chakotay’s crew.
M’k’n’zy of Calhoun, a former Xenexian slave of the Romulan Empire escapes his masters and steals an experimental Thallonian warship. He recruits his fellow Xenexians to help him in fighting against the Alliance and the Romulan Empire to end slavery and oppression everywhere.
2375 - The Alliance manages to destroy a Rebel base and shipyard at Empok Nor, setting back production of Defiant Class vessels and dealing a major blow to the Rebellion fleet, but the Rebellion continues to grow rapidly in spite of the losses. By this time Bajorans are starting to join the Rebellion’s ranks, though they are screened carefully to ensure they are not Alliance infiltrators.
2376 - The members of the Memory Omega project begin acting covertly to aid the Rebellion and to position it to be better able to survive the Alliance’s efforts to eradicate it.
Late 2370s - M’k’n’zy of Calhoun, or “Mac”, continues to fight against the Alliance and the Romulan Empire with his ship, which he has named “Excalibur”. On a mission to intercept a shipment of materials to Romulus for an unknown project Mac and his crew discover that the Romulans are building a Thalaron Radiation weapon for the Alliance. They impersonate the freighter crew in an attempt to destroy the device, but are forced to help complete the device by the arrival of the Alliance official in charge of the project. After the device is completed the Excalibur’s crew makes plans to destroy it and escape, but the Alliance officer activates the device as a “test” that is truly operational. Mac and his crew rescue the Praetor from the Thalaron field and destroy the Alliance vessel in orbit, then pass word to the Romulan fleet to rescue as many as possible. Praetor Hiren then names Mac Commodore of the Romulan fleet, leading to the formation of the Romulan-Xenexian Coalition.
Categories: Mirror Universe