Mirror Universe Political Situation

Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Monday August 5, 2024 @ 5:25pm

This section covers what the current political status is for each of the 3 major political entities in the Mirror Universe.

Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
The Alliance is the dominant power in the region around the former Terran Empire’s territory. The Klingons maintain a slight advantage in military and political power within the Alliance, but they are officially equal partners with the Cardassians. While many races initially flocked to the Alliance after life under the Terran Empire, they sound found their new benefactors capable of just as much treachery and cruelty as the Terrans.

Thousands (possibly tens of thousands) of vessels of varying Klingon & Cardassian designs, virtually identical to prime universe designs. Ferengi, Bajoran, & other member races designs are frequently seen in some areas

Romulan-Xenexian Coalition
Formed after the Alliance decimated Romulus with a Thalaron Radiation bomb, the Coalition is at war with the Alliance and often in league with the Terran Rebellion. Coalition forces are commanded by Captain ‘Mac’, properly M’k’n’zy of Calhoun, leader of the Xenexians. Romulans are the dominant race, having established the Romulan Star Empire centuries ago. Other races found within the Coalition’s sphere of influence are the Xenexians, Remans, and some Terrans.

Thousands of ships of Romulan design, virtually identical to prime universe designs

Terran/Vulcan Rebellion
Despite its name representatives of at least a dozen races are part of the Rebellion, and the movement is growing rapidly throughout the territories held by the Alliance. Sometimes called the Terran-Vulcan Rebellion due to the large number of Vulcans working with the predominantly Terran group, the Terran Rebellion is loosely allied with the Coalition and maintains tenuous control of the Bajoran star system due to its control of Terok Nor in orbit of Bajor.

* 2 Miranda class starships
* 1 Constitution class starship
* 6 Klingon Birds-of-Prey (B’Rel & D12 class)
* 5 Bajoran assault vessels
* 15 Defiant class starships
* Varying number of fighters, shuttles, & converted civilian craft.

Categories: Mirror Universe