Mirror Universe Races Status
Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Monday August 5, 2024 @ 5:26pm
After having been conquered by the Terran Empire sometime in the 23rd Century, Bajor was liberated by Cardassian forces and has been part of the Alliance since that time. However, all is not well between the Bajorans and the Alliance. There have been attempts to make Bajor totally independent of any other galactic government and some Bajorans, empathizing with the plight of the Terrans, have begun joining the Rebellion. The Alliance has used this development to try and plant spies within the Rebellion’s ranks.
Due to the efforts of the Terran Empire to wipe out telepathic races, very few Betazoids survive. Those who do are generally only partially Betazoid and often must pass as Terrans in order to survive.
Cardassians are members of the Alliance. They are much like the Cardassians in our own universe, but even more cunning.
The Ferengi are part of the Alliance, but some individual Ferengi have seen the opportunity in either supplying or fighting with the Rebellion. One of these was Zek, who became a General in the Rebellion prior to his death at Empok Nor in 2375.
Once the dominant race in the Terran Empire, most Humans are now slaves of the Alliance. Some Humans, known as Thetas, work for the Alliance, though most of their fellows consider them something less than scum for doing so. Some Terrans, mostly former Slaves of Romulan households, are now citizens of the Romulan-Xenexian Coalition. Many are part of the Terran Rebellion, with more joining every day.
Klingons are members of the Alliance. They are very much like the Klingons of our own universe, but without the tempering influence of a long association with the Federation.
Romulans are the dominant race in the Coalition. They are virtually identical to the Romulans of our own universe, but far friendlier towards humans due to having a common enemy in the Alliance.
There are no joined Trill in the Mirror Universe. The Terran Empire, shortly before being conquered, eradicated the symbionts and then issued execution orders for all joined Trill except Curzon Dax. The Dax symbiont presumably died with Jadzia Dax, as it was not passed on to Ezri Tigan as in our Universe. Most Trill are part of the Alliance, but some have joined the Rebellion.
Much like the Betazoids, few Ullians survive due to the Terran Empire’s efforts to eradicate telepaths. Those who do survive are likely either hiding from the Alliance or members of the Rebellion.
Vulcans are generally in a very similar position to Humans. The vast majority of Vulcans are slaves of the Alliance, while some are citizens of the Coalition, and many others are members of the Terran Rebellion. Vulcans in the Mirror Universe must be very careful to hide their telepathic capabilities due to the Alliance’s belief that any telepath not working for them is a threat. The Terran Empire held similar views and actively attempted to wipe out most telepathic races that they encountered.
Xenexians (non-canon)
Xenexians are a human-like race on the edge of the Romulan sphere of influence. They have no native space travel, but are very intelligent and tenacious. Dominated by the Danteri for centuries, the Xenexians gained their independence through the actions of M’k’n’zy of Calhoun, after which a large portion of the populace joined the Terran Rebellion. After the devastation of Romulus, the Xenexians became a major force in the new Romulan-Xenexian Coalition.
Categories: Mirror Universe