Current Deck Listing - Primary Areas
Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Monday August 5, 2024 @ 5:59pm
Deck Listing:
Deck | Description |
1 | Section Alpha: Main Bridge; Ready Room; Observation Lounge; Alpha Warp Nacelle & Housing (Dorsal) |
2 | Section Alpha: Deuterium Storage; Antimatter Storage; Aft Viewing Lounge; Alpha Engineering & Warp Core Assembly (Upper); Alpha Computer Core (Level 1); Offices (XO; Multi-Use) |
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Section Alpha: Deuterium Storage; Antimatter Storage; Alpha Engineering & Warp Core Assembly (Lower); Computer Core and Access (Level 2); Forward Tactical Sensor array; Transporter Room 1; Offices (COO; Multi Use); Senior Officers' Quarters; VIP Quarters Section Beta: Beta SIF/IDF/Shield Generators; Turbolift Maintenance |
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Section Alpha: Computer Core (Level 3); Tractor Beam Emitter Assembly (Aft); Alpha Warp Nacelle & Housing (Ventral); Junior Officers' Quarters; Crew Quarters; Lounge Section Beta: Crew Quarters; Transporter Room 2; Deuterium Storage |
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Section Alpha: Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher Control, Access and Magazine (Forward); Environmental Control & Life Support Systems; Alpha Navigational Deflector Assembly; Crew Quarters Section Beta: Beta Bridge; Mess Hall 1; Beta Engineering & Warp Core Assembly (Upper); Beta Computer Core and Access (Level 1); Deuterium Storage & Injector Assembly |
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Section Alpha: Auxiliary Sickbay; Gymnasium; Forward Viewing Lounge; Crew Quarters Section Beta: Beta Engineering & Warp Core Assembly (Lower); Computer Core (Level 2); Mess Hall 2; Primary Sickbay; Medical Labs; Environmental Control & LS; Tractor Beam Assembly (Aft); Offices (CMO, Counselor) |
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Section Alpha: Conference Room; Transporter Room 3; Alpha Security Station & Armory (1 Holding Cell); Crew Quarters Section Beta: Shuttlebay (Upper); Shuttlebay Control Booth; Cargo Management Unit Storage; Beta Warp Core Assembly (Lower); Antimatter Storage & Injector Assembly; Offices (CFCO); Crew Quarters |
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Section Alpha: Science Labs; Stellar Cartography; Cargo Bays 1 & 2 (Upper); Forward Sensor Arrays; Main Impulse Engine Assembly (Upper); Offices (CSciO); Crew Quarters Section Beta: Shuttlebay (Middle Level); Shuttle Maintenance (Upper); Holodecks 1 & 2 (Upper); Cargo Bays 3 & 4 (Upper); Primary Armory; Brig; Beta Impulse Engine Assembly (Upper); Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher (Forward); Beta Navigational Deflector Assembly; Intelligence Lab; Offices (CS/TO, CIO); Crew Quarters |
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Section Alpha: Cargo Bays 1 & 2 (Lower); Docking Ports; Alpha Impulse Engine Assembly (Lower); Environmental Control & LS; Forward Sensor Arrays; RCS Thruster Assembly; Crew Quarters Section Beta: Shuttlebay (Lower); Shuttle Maintenance (Lower); Holodecks 1 & 2 (Lower); Cargo Bays 3 & 4 (Lower); Waste Management; Beta Impulse Engine Assembly (Lower); Crew Quarters |
10 | Section Gamma: Mess Hall 3; Gamma Security Station & Armory (1 Holding Cell); Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher (Forward); Gamma Impulse Engine Assembly (Upper); Gamma Warp Core Assembly (Level 1); Environmental Control & LS; Pulse Fire Torpedo Launcher (Aft); Crew Quarters |
11 | Section Gamma: Gamma Bridge; Auxiliary Sickbay; Transporter Room 4; Gamma Warp Core Assembly (Level 2); Gamma Impulse Engine Assembly (Lower); Crew Quarters |
12 | Section Gamma: Cargo Bays 5 & 6 (Upper); Main Engineering (Upper) & Warp Core Assembly (Lvl 3); Deuterium Storage; Primary Navigational Deflector Assembly (Upper) |
13 | Section Gamma: Cargo Bays 5 & 6 (Lower); Main Engineering (Lower) & Warp Core Assembly (Lvl 4); Engineering Laboratories; Gamma Computer Core (Level 1); Gamma Computer Core Control & Access; Deuterium Storage; Primary Navigational Deflector Assembly & Control (Middle Level); Offices (CEO) |
14 | Section Gamma: Gamma Warp Core Assembly (Level 5); Gamma Computer Core (Level 2); Primary Navigational Deflector Assembly (Lower); Environmental Control & LS; Waste Management |
15 | Section Gamma: Maintenance Support Facilities; Gamma Warp Core Assembly (Level 6); Cryogenic Fluid Storage; Aft Sensor Arrays; Ground Hover Footpad Systems |
16 | Section Gamma: Gamma Warp Core Assembly (Level 7); Antimatter Storage & Injector Assembly; Warp Core Ejection Systems; Tractor Beam Emitter Assembly (Forward and Aft); Aft Sensor Arrays; Ground Hover Footpads |
Categories: USS Malinche Reference