Original Deck Listing

Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Monday August 5, 2024 @ 6:09pm

Deck Description
1 Section Alpha: Main Bridge, Observation Lounge, Ready Room, Upper Saucer Warp Engine and Housing
2 Section Alpha: Deuterium Storage, Antimatter Storage, Saucer Warp Core (Horizontal) and assembly, Upper Saucer Warp Engine and Housing, Saucer Engineering (Upper Level), Department Head Offices (CFCO, CSciO, CIO, COO, CDO, XO, CS/TO), Transporter Room 1
3 Section Alpha: Deuterium Storage, Antimatter Storage, Saucer Warp Core (Horizontal) and assembly, Computer Core, Lower Saucer Warp Engine and Housing, Saucer Engineering (Lower Level), Senior Officer Quarters, Mess Hall, Armoury 1
4 Section Alpha: Computer Core, Upper Saucer Warp Engine and Housing, Cargo Bay 1, Junior Officer Quarters, Crew Quarters, Holodeck 1;
Section Beta: Computer Core, Auxiliary Control 1, Transporter Room 3, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System (Aft)
5 Section Alpha: Computer Core, Cargo Bay 2 and 3 (Upper), Crew Quarters, Gym, Crew Lounge, Holodeck 2 and 3, Aux Deflector and Control, Phaser Arrays;
Section Beta: Computer Core, Deuterium Storage and Injection Assembly, Warp Core (x2), Tractor Beam Emitter, Dorsal Engineering
6 Section Alpha: Computer Core, Cargo Bay 2 and 3 (Lower), Main Sickbay, Medical Labs, CMO Office, CCO Office and Counselling Suite, Crew Quarters;
Section Beta: Computer Core, Warp Core (x2), Antimatter Storage and Injection Assembly, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System (Fore)
7 Section Alpha: Torpedo Storage and Launcher System, Main Impulse Assembly, Crew Quarters, Environmental Control and Life Support Systems, Transporter Room 2;
Section Beta: Armoury 2, Aux Sickbay, Main Brig, Enlisted Mess, Gym 2, Lounge. Crew Quarters, Phaser Arrays
8 Section Alpha: Main Impulse Assembly, Science Labs, Stellar Cartography, VIP Quarters, Crew Quarters;
Section Beta: Shuttlebay (Deck 1) and Control Room, Cargo Bay 4, Aux Deflector and Control
9 Section Alpha: Tractor Beam Emitter, Main Impulse Assembly, Docking Ports, Sensor Pallets, Fusion Reactors, Crew Quarters, Brig, Phaser Arrays, Waste Management;
Section Beta: Tractor Beam Emitter, Shuttlebay (Deck 2) and Support/Maintenance Bay, Fusion Reactors, Waste Management
10 Section Gamma: Deuterium Storage and Injection Assembly, Warp Core, Aux Sickbay, Encryption/Decryption Lab, Intelligence Lab, Armory 3
11 Section Gamma: Warp Core, Main Engineering (Upper Level), Auxiliary Control 2, Transporter Room 4, Main Deflector
12 Section Gamma: Computer Core, Warp Core, Main Engineering (Lower Level), Main Deflector and Deflector Control, Fusion Reactors, Engineering Research Labs
13 Section Gamma: Computer Core, Warp Core, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System (Aft), Cargo Bay 5, Main Deflector
14 Section Gamma: Computer Core, Landing Struts and Housing, Antimatter Storage and Injection Assembly, Warp Core
15 Section Gamma: Tractor Beam Emitter, Landing Struts and Housing, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System (Fore), Phaser Arrays, Waste Management