Medical Drugs

Created by Captain Isabel Kersare on Wednesday August 7, 2024 @ 11:21pm

Medical Drugs
Cardiac Drugs

Used to control the rate of the atria or other superventricular tachycardias. Generally given via hypospray SQ or IM. Side effects may include headache and dizziness. Patients may complain of a heavy pressure in their chest just after administration of this drug.

A drug used to reduce the irritability threshold of the ventricles in pulseless ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Can be administered via hypospray, IV, or down the ET tube. May cause marked hypertension on Vulcans, Romulans, and Andorians.

A drug used to block the parasympathetic nervous system allowing the sympathetic nervous system to take over and increase heart rate and blood pressure. Similar to atropine, dextrizine also increases cardio cellular excitation.

A refined drug, dopamine is used to increase cardiac contractility when there is no danger of hemorrhage or the patient has no injury that would lead medical personal to think there was a hemorrhage.

Used to increase cardiac contractility as well as treated severe analphaylatic reactions. Can be given by hypospray SQ or IV. Side effects will include increase in heart rate, increase in respirations, and some patients may become excitable.

A cardio stimulatory pharmaceutical that is use much in the same way epinephrine is. Used to increase the force of cardiac contractility and efficiency. Also reduces myocardial oxygen demand. At high does it can be used to help facilitate cell regeneration at a limited level.

A calcium channel blocker that is used to decrease heart rate. This medicine works to block the calcium channels in the heart, slowing down the intake of calcium and therefore the heart rate.

The new age Aminodarone, Metrazene works on both the upper and lower chambers of the heart, seeking to calm the irritability threshold and reduce excitation therefore returning them to their proper working order.

Used in the treatment of ventricular fibrillation, pulseless electrical activity, and asystole, vasopressin in a very potent vaso-constrictor.

Pain Killers (Analgesics)

A pain killer that works on damage muscle tissue. Typically used for muscle sprains, spasms, and used with patients that have broken bones that are causing the muscles to spasm. Asinolyathin does not differinate between muscles and will also relax the diaphragm and intercostal muscles in large doses.

Analgesic medication used to alleviate pain. This medicine is used to alleviate pain for minor injuries and is not as powerful as Terakine.

Neuroelectrical Suppressors:
Medical device used to suppress pain.

More potent then hydrocortalene, this medication is used to treat those with extreme pain as well as those who have chronic pain that is the result of an often terminal disease.


This is an inhalant (gas) that can be used as a general anesthetic, but is more often used by Security as an intruder control measure. A concentration of 70 parts per million is more than enough to render humanoids unconscious. This drug will also produce decreased cardiac rate and will also relax the muscles used in breathing, ventillatory management should be considered when giving this drug in large doses.

Medicine used as a calmative. Not to be confused with inaprovaline, which is a cardio-stimulant. Like anesthezine, this drug will also cause decreased cardiac output and will also relax the muscles used in breathing.

This pharmaceutical causes immediate unconsciousness. The patient will remain asleep for 3-8 hours. This drug will cause a marked decrease in cardiac output as well dramatically reducing the body\'s ability to breath. Adminstration of this drug should be followed by airway control of some kind.


Useful in treatment of oxygen deprivation and life support systems failure.

Pharmaceutical used to stimulate breathing in a patient having respiratory difficulties. Administered to treat conditions caused by inhalation of noxious fumes.

Tri-Ox Compound:
Medication used to help a humanoid patient breathe more easily in a thin or oxygen-deprived atmosphere.

Used to treat patients who have damage lungs or have been oxygen deprived.

CNS Drugs

Drug used to reverse memory loss and/or allow blocked memories to surface.

Biochemical substance, a neuro-transmitter that promotes the propagation of electrical impulses from one nerve cell to another in carbon-based life.

A drug used to stimulate conduction along the nerve pathways. Prolonged use of this drug will result in an eventual degradation of the neuro pathways resulting in paralysis and possibly death.

Neural Paralyzer:
Used to paralyze neural pathways. Can also he used to facilitate endotracheal intubation.

Allergic Reactions

Used in the treatment of allergic reactions. Will not work on Klingons or Romulans.

Used to counter allergic reactions. Works on nearly all known humanoid species.

Powerful anti-allergen, primary treatment for anaphylactic shock.


Cortical Analeptic:
Used to reinvigorate the tissues of the cerebral cortex. In addition, this also works to help repair damaged tissue throughout the structure of the brain.

Standard treatment for radiation poisoning since the late 2100s. Typically requires more then one dose to reverse the effects of radiation poisoning.

Immuno Suppressant:
Drugs used to suppress the body's immune system, most commonly used for organ transplant.

A neurotransmitter inhibitor. This drug temporarily diminishes intelligence, but each dose also makes psychic and psionic intrusions harder. Lexorin can also calm excited or agitated patients. In greater dosages than 3 in 24 hours, the patient also begins to lose manual dexterity, as the Central Nervous System begins to lose control of voluntary functions. Lexorin is mildly addictive, and causes the patient to feel overconfident and happy.

Metorapan Treatments:
Regenerative treatment for patients who have sustained large fractures.

Neodextraline Solution:
Liquid medication administered intravenously for the treatment of severe dehydration.

Blood like substance that can carry oxygen and is often administered to patients in the field who are suffering from shock or severe trauma. Because of its ability to carry oxygen; hemopak is used more frequently then saline solution.

Anti-rejection drug.

Categories: Medical Database