
Mission 25: Lady of the Valley

Post Count: 0

The Malinche is sent to the Federation Colony on Torva IV to aid them with equipment issues following the planet's turbulent storm period. With rumors of strange creatures in the valley and odd disappearances, will the Malinche crew find that there's more than meets the eye?

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Mission 0: Getting Acquainted

Post Count: 0

The Malinche's first shoreleave and Isabel Kersare's first command. The crew arrives at Deep Space 14 and takes the time to get to know each other there and on Altor II before starting out on their first official mission.

Mission 1: Out of Reach

Post Count: 0

When several StarFleet Officers are taken hostage by rogue factions, the Malinche must find out who the rouge factions are working for, where they have taken the officers, and mount a rescue operation. First stop, Brent Nacile Outpost, Gamma Quadrant - the last place any of the Officers was seen.

Mission 2: Redemption (TFJM)

Post Count: 0

During a training mission, the USS Defender is to respond to a distress call scenario in Sector 1021. When the MSS Davion's systems act erratically and explodes, three government leaders from an unsurveyed planet in the sector witness the event. Several ships from Task Force 9 are sent to investigate the incident and make first contact with those on the planet.

Mission 3: Deep and Dark

Post Count: 0

When a scout ship crash lands on Maran and odd deaths start occurring, the Malinche is sent to investigate. Much to their surprise, the Klingons and Cardassians are there as well. In the end, the three work together to solve the mystery.

Mission 4: Deep and Dark Shoreleave

Post Count: 0

Following questionable actions by the Malinche's Chief Intelligence and Chief Strategic Operations Officers, seemingly against the Marans, a board of inquiry is convened on Earth. The Malinche head back to Earth for the trial and some shoreleave.

Mission 5: Future Horizons

Post Count: 0

A Civil War is about to break out on Celtron V between the So'Kra and To'Ma regarding the use of the Celtronian wormhole. With the two factions ready for war and a High Council Member kidnapped, can the Malinche negotiate peace?

Mission 6: A Walk In the Park

Post Count: 0

While the Malinche crew is on Shoreleave on Celtron V, they are sent to investigate rumors of trouble. With recent tensions, chances aren't it won't be a simple walk in the park. What will they discover?

Mission 7: Once Upon a Starbase

Post Count: 0

Following the events on Celtron V, the Malinche crew goes to Starbase 10 for repairs, crew transfers, and some fun.

Mission 8: You Can't Judge a Planet By Its Dilithium

Post Count: 0

The USS Sirion was investigating impacts of dilithium mining on Direidi, a planet full of mischevious inhabitants. When contact with the ship is lost, the USS Malinche is sent to find it and its crew. One thing is certain - the Direidians will make this mission a true adventure, full of fun and insanity!

Mission 9: Blood and Iron

Post Count: 0

The Malinche docks at Starbase 259 for shoreleave to receive new blood in the form of crew members and some extra iron. A crewmember`s trial due to insubordination during the previous mission ends in death.

Mission 10: Lost and Found (JM with USS Sentinel)

Post Count: 0

The USS Malinche and USS Sentinel have been dispatched to search for the missing USS Sirion, which, based on what the Malinche saw, was likely attacked by a Borg sphere. With reports of Borg in the area, their mission is all the more dangerous. What will they find?

Mission 11: Lost and Found Shoreleave

Post Count: 0

Following the destruction of the USS Sentinel, the Malinche escorts the USS Sirion (now inhabited by the former Sentinel crew) to Starbase 386 for repairs and shoreleave. The crew must now deal with the deaths and assimilations of crewmembers, and Isabel deals with her feelings on her husband whom the crew has rescued from the Borg.

Mission 12: When In Rome (12.1 A Small Detour)

Post Count: 0

The USS Malinche is sent from Starbase 386 to deliver medical supplies to Ivor Prime. On their way, severe ion storms are detected, forcing them into the Taevon Expanse.

Part of When In Rome

Mission 12: When In Rome (12.2 A Bump In The Night)

Post Count: 0

On their journey through the Taevon Expanse, the Malinche passes an asteroid field. The ship's systems go on the fritz, but why? And what will happen once they're restored?

Part of When In Rome

Mission 12: When In Rome (12.3 Who Ya Gonna Call)

Post Count: 0

After the incident near the asteroid field, some crewmembers report having headaches and memory loss. When some crew start exhibiting odd behavior and hidden programs are found, the rest of the crew must figure out what's going on before it's too late...

Part of When In Rome

Mission 13: Take a Little Time

Post Count: 0

Having delivered medical supplies to Ivor Prime, the Malinche crew takes some time for shoreleave - visiting the colony and planet.

Mission 14: Do As The Romulans Do

Post Count: 0

With the Taevon Summit scheduled to begin on Starbase 386, the USS Malinche is sent to rendezvous with the IRW Revok near the Romulan Neutral Zone. From there, they will escort the D'deridex class vessel, carrying the Romulan Star Empire's delegate, Senator Vrenick, to the Summit. What could go wrong?

Mission 15: Be Wary Of Your Friends (JM with Starbase 386 & USS Orlando)

Post Count: 0

The Malinche is asked to assist the SB 386 personnel with the Taevon Summit, specifically the RSE delegate whom they escorted. Will there be an assassination attempt or some other form of trouble?

Mission 16: The Waiting Game

Post Count: 0

After a standoff with the Elyshans at Starbase 386, the Malinche crew is asked to remain in the area in case the Elyshans return while awaiting orders for their next mission.

Mission 17: Inferno's Light

Post Count: 0

Initially sent to patrol the Cardassian Border, the Malinche crew is diverted to Athos III when contact is lost with the colony, which is near the edge of the Badlands. Finding the colony destroyed, the Malinche must work fast to determine what happened when ships with an unusual signature appear...

Mission 18: Putting the Pieces Together

Post Count: 0

Heavily damaged, the Malinche arrives at Starbase 422 to report on their encounter with Mirror Universe vessels and transfer custody of Glinn Roen. Crew transfers abound as the Malinche undergoes repairs.

Mission 19: Another Voyage Home

Post Count: 0

Captain Kersare is visited by a Temporal Agent and is told that the fate of the Federation rests in her hands. After preventing the Malinche from being sabotaged, the crew find themselves in Earth's past racing to stop Romulans from interfering with the SS Bounty's mission.

Mission 20: Answers

Post Count: 0

Having returned to the their own time, the Malinche is now docked at Earth Spacedock. The crew will have to provide answers about their foray into the 20th century and some of them may receive answers to other questions they did not expect...

Mission 21: Bad Medicine

Post Count: 0

The Malinche is tasked with taking a group of doctors to Betazed for a conference. When one of them winds up dead, the Malinche crew must race to find out who killed the doctor before their arrival at Betazed.

Mission 22: Getting Reaquainted

Post Count: 0

(Simm Year 2392) Following a two month patrol, being reassigned to a new fleet, and a ten month refit at DS9, the Malinche is prepped for her returning and new crew.

Mission 23: Back For More

Post Count: 0

(Simm Year 2394) After a couple years of less exciting missions yet perhaps more puzzles, the Malinche returns to the Sol System to drop off researchers and receive freshly transferred crew.

Mission 24: Nanoprobes Killed Outpost Beta 12

Post Count: 0

When Federation Outpost Beta 12 near the Romulan border goes silent, the Malinche is sent to investigate, despite still not having some key positions filled. When they find evidence of technology taking over the station, will they be able to stop it?