
Name Description
USS Malinche The Prometheus class is the testbed for Multi-Vector Assault Mode. In separated flight mode all three sections can fly independently at cruise speed.

Total weapons available in Multi-Vector mode are 4 Type XII Phaser Arrays, 8 Type X Phaser Arrays, 6 Type XI Phaser Arrays, and 5 Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launchers.
Type-9 Shuttlecraft The Type-9 shuttlecraft is a fast, long-range auxiliary craft ideal for personnel transport, scouting, and reconnaissance. It is often referred to as a Class-2 shuttle.

Older Class-2 shuttles were widely used during the 2360s at Starfleet Academy and, though fast and maneuverable, were notorious for their cramped interiors. The Type-9 features a streamlined hull and nacelles as well as a pronounced forward deflector dish that houses a compact long-range sensor. Type-9 shuttlecraft are equipped with phasers as standard and can be retrofitted with photon torpedoes. They also carry a medium-range transporter. Most of the components of these types of shuttle were designed to be easily replicated, making them easy to replace.
Type-11 Shuttlecraft The Type-11 personnel shuttle is equipped with all the systems of a starship within the shell of an auxiliary craft. The design represents an intermediate step between the traditional small shuttle and a runabout. Both the frame and components blend aspects of the Type 9-class Shuttle and Danube-class vessels.

The Type-11 is a true multi-role vessel featuring impressive shielding, multiple phaser emitters, micro-torpedo launchers, and a warp drive capable of speeds greater than previous shuttle designs. Both the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the shuttle house magnaclamp docking ports capable of linking up to other ships. A two-person transporter pad and a large aft compartment with a replicator add to the shuttle's versatility.
Argo-Class Transport The Argo-class is a specialized shuttle developed for ferrying cargo and vehicles when conditions preclude the use of transporters. The ship is equipped with retractable wings that allow the craft to easily land on a variety of planetary surfaces. After departing from the shuttlebay, the wings and dorsal fins deploy for atmospheric flight. The craft's warp nacelles are integrated into the body for increased protection.

The Argo-class can carry a small, four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) armed with an aft phaser cannon. The shuttle can be remotely controlled by a device on the vehicle. If the vehicle is carried, the maximum capacity of the Argo is 4 persons.
Delta Flyer-Type Runabout The Flyer-class is a type of Federation Starfleet runabout in operation from the 2370s. The class was based on the design of the Delta Flyer and Delta Flyer II, designed and constructed by the crew of the USS Voyager while that starship was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

The original Delta Flyer was designed to survive the rigors of the Delta Quadrant and included Borg technology based on the knowledge of Seven of Nine, a liberated drone.

The design was kept intact when Starfleet adopted the Flyer-class fleetwide.

The cockpit of Delta Flyer-type vessels features workstations for tactical, operations, and engineering personnel. The helm is located in the front of the cockpit. While the tactical, ops, and engineering stations feature a standard Federation LCARS interface, the helm combines this with physical buttons, knobs, and levers to give the pilot more direct control over the vessel. The LCARS display on the helm is replaced with two manual steering columns. The Flyer's large size permits comforts not standard to Federation shuttlecraft. The vessel features a large aft compartment that contains a retractable biobed for medical situations. Despite this inclusion, the Delta Flyer's medical accommodations are limited and primarily intended to stabilize a patient until he or she could get back to the main ship for treatment.

Work stations are featured on either side of the bed, and replicators were located at various points inside the craft. Delta Flyer-type vessels are capable of accommodating up to seven people comfortably.
Workbee One of the most useful and long lasting designs in Starfleet history, the work bee was first fielded in the late 2260's in order to replace several previous craft of similar type. A major feature of the work bee is the highly modular nature of the design. A central cockpit module has space for a single operator. This cockpit can be connected to a variety of sleds or other attachments. The bee does not have an artificial gravity system, with many crewmembers reporting that they prefer this zero gee working environment. The cockpit module can be used with the door removed, the operator wearing a pressure suit.