Specifications - Type-9 Shuttlecraft

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The Type-9 shuttlecraft is a fast, long-range auxiliary craft ideal for personnel transport, scouting, and reconnaissance. It is often referred to as a Class-2 shuttle.

Older Class-2 shuttles were widely used during the 2360s at Starfleet Academy and, though fast and maneuverable, were notorious for their cramped interiors. The Type-9 features a streamlined hull and nacelles as well as a pronounced forward deflector dish that houses a compact long-range sensor. Type-9 shuttlecraft are equipped with phasers as standard and can be retrofitted with photon torpedoes. They also carry a medium-range transporter. Most of the components of these types of shuttle were designed to be easily replicated, making them easy to replace.


Class Type-9
Role Shuttlecraft


Length 9 meters
Width 4 meters
Height 3 meters
Decks 1


Crew 1
Civilians 2
Emergency Capacity 8


Cruise Speed Warp 3
Maximum Velocity Warp 3.4
Emergency Speed Warp 4 (for 3 hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields EM Dispersal Field
Light Shielding System
Defensive Systems Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull
Structural Integrity Field
Weapon Systems Type IV Phaser Array: 3

Micro-Torpedo Launcher: 2
Armament Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 60